Letter to the Millennial Woman

These days there's so much scrutiny on all aspects of the Millennial generation's financial habits.  Yet, listening to many Millennial women, they genuinely want to make sound financial decisions.  They just don't know where to turn for information that's actually RELEVANT for their stage of life and/or don't know how to balance their major life choices with their financial ones.

We recently met a young woman who was struggling and seeking help with her financial choices in a room full of older women. 

This is our letter to her, sharing what we wish we had figured out about money in our 20's

Saving your way to retiring in your 30s

It almost seems like it's an insane idea...retire in your 30s?! Only if you win the lottery or join a fantastically successful tech startup, right? 

Actually, no. 

You CAN save to retire in your 30's and here's how one "normal" couple did it.  Their personal journey may be extreme, but it still offers interesting options for reaching your own financial goals.  Lots of useful ideas here for reshaping your life to be financially free.